dinsdag 7 december 2010

Suminagashi, Elsje van der Ploeg, Holland

 normal technique: "a print of time"

 " shaky time "

 " time-spots "

 " time fantasy "

" love time "

 " to the point "

maandag 6 december 2010

Mein Platz zum Marmorieren..., Hilli Zenz, Deutschland

Ich freue mich schon wieder auf den Sommer!!! Es macht einfach so viel Freude, vor allen Dingen dann, wenn alles passt!

Kleister Papier instruktions, Elsje van der Ploeg, Holland


you need

with a big brush you add glue = paste
liqued is  thik like yochurt

wetten the paper with paste
choose another brush and wetten
add goache paint = plakkaatverf
do NOT clean your paint-box
paint on the glue horizontal
and vertical: make motives

use all kinds of brushes (expensive and cheap)
and kitchen things like fork etc.

use your old, cut, credit card
and make drawings in the paint ans paste

when ready, (do not wait to long)
pick up the paper, start at the corner

    carefull not to scamble

put on a newspaper to dry


result: ready to fold :)

Marmor, Hilli Zenz, Deutschland

das ist eines der reihe, die ich mitten in der nacht in meiner küche gemacht habe.